7 Best Tulum Cenotes to Visit

#1 Casa Tortuga

Casa Tortuga is amazing and considered the best Tulum Cenote. There's 3 cenotes at Casa Tortuga, it's a must visit!

#2 Big Cenote aka Gran Cenote

Gran Cenote is possibly the most well-known out of all the Tulum cenotes; it’s part of the Sac-Aktun system, the most extensive underwater cave system in the world.

#3 Two Eyes Cenote

Two Eyes cenote, aka Dos Ojos cenote, is one of the best diving cenotes Tulum has to offer.

#4 Cenote Zacil-Ha

This cenote is popular amongst locals; you can find it on the North side of Tulum, just off of Coba.

#5 Cenote Calavera

The entry of this cenote is unique; it looks like a dark black hole when you’re there looking into it. Cenote Calavera is close to Tulum Pueblo, the main road.

#6 Cenote Azul

One of the most popular cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula is Cenote Azul. The cenote is “L-Shaped,” and the water is crystal clear here.

#7 Cenote Manati

Casa Cenote Tulum, an open cenote nestled between the jungle and white-sand beaches, boasts stunning turquoise water!