Travel Hiatus Profile Picture

My name is Owity, I travel for food, culture and moments of experiencing surreal landscapes around the globe. From towering limestones in Southern Thailand, to the concrete jungles of New York City, I enjoy it all!

Currently I slow travel full time, I tend to spend two to 4 weeks in each destination and do exciting day trips on weekends. At times throughout the year, I return home to Canada for a month or two to catch up with family and friends.

Throughout my travel blog you’ll find many in-depth guides for places I’ve been to that include everything you need to know for a destination: the best things to do, when you should visit, restaurant & hotel recommendations, tips and so much more!

Also included are guides for how to avoid scams in some destinations. When I was young, I remember times when my family and I were scammed when traveling, it happens! Because of this, I enjoy sharing with others what to look out for along their travels to avoid it!

To get in touch with me, contact by email: [email protected]

Personal Travels

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved to travel. I remember when my mother would tell me we’re going to a new destination, my next question was when? And I would start counting the days!

There’s nothing more exciting to me in life than visiting somewhere new and unfamiliar, and I’ve been that way since I was a young. Having visited many places as a child, including Egypt, Netherlands, England, Italy, Dubai and more, my crave for travel hasn’t stopped since!

Wandering unfamiliar streets, appreciating the landscape of a new destination, dining at small local restaurants, trying new foods, and smiling/saying hello to locals in their native language (I’m Canadian, we’re known for being friendly haha).

That, amongst many more reasons is why I crave and love to travel.

Travel Advisor

While most people enjoy traveling, many don’t share the same enthusiasm for planning a trip. For me, half the fun lies in sitting at my computer, diving into meticulous research about the places I plan to visit. Trip planning and learning about new destinations are true passions of mine.

Often, I find myself spending my downtime watching documentaries about various locations, only to get swept up in an hour of in-depth research on a destination I don’t have immediate plans to visit—yet I can’t help but think, “one day, soon.” You could say I’m a natural planner! I explore everything: the main attractions, hidden gems, and the famous local foods in each area.

My Google Maps becomes a treasure trove of green pins, marking restaurants I’m eager to try, including those charming hole-in-the-wall spots that often become my favorites. I get a thrill from uncovering the best ways to navigate a new city, discovering neighborhoods that offer the most authentic experiences, and piecing together the perfect itinerary.

Whenever I’m gearing up for a new adventure, I love watching YouTube videos to soak up as much knowledge as I can, gathering insider tips, or simply enjoying something exciting in the background while I work—all to fuel my anticipation for my next destination. 

a local Thai man navigating his Thai longtail boat near Pi Leh Lagoon in Krabi, nearby Koh Phi Phi
a picteresque street where locals and tourists are dining, hills are seen in the distance in  Positano, Italy


I am food obsessed, to say the very least. As soon as I know I’m visiting a new destination, I instantly go on Google Maps and start looking at the best food spots in the area, then I mark them so I can visit them when I’m there.

From street food to fine dining, and everything in between. I love to try food in all settings. But my favourite food moments around the world have always been at local restaurants where you’ll spot an old lady cooking your meal!

I also enjoy visiting legendary restaurants around the world. Establishments that have been around for 50+ years, withstanding the test of time, such restaurants fascinate me very much.

My favourite food cities in the world are Tokyo, NYC, Seoul, Bangkok and Montreal.


Experiencing new cultues and admiring the ways of others in different places around the world is very important when traveling, and I make it a priority to do so when I’m somewhere new.

Broadening my perspective, understanding the diversity of a new place and encouraging myself to be open-minded allow me to better understand the culture and atmosphere in the place I’m visiting.

One of my idols is Anthony Bourdain, his appreciation for culture and food was world recognized. The way he humbly embraced new cultures around the world is something I greatly admire and aspire to do as I make my way around the globe!

a stunning pond and ancient old Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, South Korea
many locals and tourist releasing lanterns at Doi Sak National Park in Northern Thailand
the famous White Temple on a clear sunny day in Chiang Rai, Thailand

Inspiration for Travel Hiatus

The reason I started Travel Hiatus was to share my travels with others. But more importantly to persuade others to book that vacation or take step back in life, take a Hiatus and go Travel.

The definition of the word Hiatus is: “A break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc“. Basically it means an extended break in one’s life.

Taking a break is very important in life and if you can travel while doing so, it gives your mind a sense of ease, you won’t find at home.

The constant, continuous routine life many of us live from Mon-Fri makes you forget how important it is to relax, reset, or, you know .. take a Hiatus.

So whether you’re thinking of taking a vacation or possibly planning to travel for a few months abroad as you figure out what you want out of life. I hope my guides, experiences and inspiration assist you along the way!